Youth recovery that works.

2.0 Schools Colorado is working to create four recovery high schools along the Front Range.  These four schools—plus Denver’s recovery high school that is already operating—will bring recovery high school services to within reach of 90% of Colorado youth who struggle with substance use.  This is our current mission overall. 

School Vision: 2.0 High is a safe, youth-led learning environment for diverse students living a substance-free lifestyle.  Graduates contribute to society and live with purpose and meaning in all areas of their lives—ready for anything that life throws at them.  They are resilient.

School Mission: 2.0 High prepares students for college, career, and personal success in a dynamic world through meaningful, engaging learning experiences and a peer-led, inclusive community of youth supporting each other in a substance-free lifestyle. 


2.0 High has a very narrow mission and targets high school students who have struggled with substance use and its related issues (i.e. mental health challenges, justice-involvement, etc).  The school is designed to re-engage and support these students in school and to help them learn to live life without the need for drugs and alcohol to cope.  The name “2.0 High” signifies the re-creation of student lives to become the person they want to be (without the need for drugs and alcohol).  They don’t change who they are, but they create who they want to be. 

Drugs and alcohol are extremely effective at improving one’s perceived state of being.  “Getting high” allows one to escape the pressures or negativity of their day, and experience strong feelings of joy and exuberance.  While most people can use alcohol and drugs on an occasional basis without consequence, there are some people who begin to use drugs and alcohol in ways that become detrimental to their well-being.  As substance use increases to an unhealthy level, cycles of highs and lows occur that are extremely difficult to break out of.  Youth in this situation often need help to get their lives back on track.  “2.0 High” is designed for these students—those who find themselves in a place where “getting high” has created problems in their life and is no longer serving them—those who need to re-focus who they are designed to be by learning to leave the drugs and alcohol behind.  We help students learn to thrive and feel positive about themselves and their future—without the use of substances to cope with life.